Rabu, 22 Agustus 2012

.. happiness ..

Happiness - Simple Ways to Bring it Into Your Life

In these days filled with world-wide tragedy and strife, it is often hard to find happiness in our everyday lives. Even without focusing on those concerns with which we have little control, the issues within our own small worlds can seem over whelming, filled with mundane issues. Which bodes the question, how does one find the balance that will bring us towards true happiness?
Significant research has been done regarding this sometimes elusive state of bliss, or true happiness. Current research shows that one should continually take on new challenges working towards finding a true sense of purpose in life. It’s called “eudemonia,” which literally means good spirit. Finding your passion, and pursuing it, however new-age that may sound, can lead to better health, including weighing less, sleeping better, and having fewer markers for heart disease.
There are simple steps one can take that will lead us all down the path towards happiness. Ironically one of the easiest is to believe that your personal happiness is important. Feelings of guilt because of your blessings are fruitless, serving no purpose. Take your good fortune and begin the pursuit of helping those less fortunate. Truly happy people tend to be more open to helping others as reaching out, in fact, brings happiness into your life.
Don’t indulge in ‘what if’ scenarios. You know, the what-if, or if-only thoughts that run through our minds, often on a daily basis. What-if I hadn’t married him, or if-only I could lose those last ten pounds. One never knows how things would have turned out if you had taken a different path, but true happiness is not found dwelling on the idea of that “other path.” For a positive life, let those thoughts go - keep things varied, mix it up, try something new and strive to be your best every day.
By : Caroline Higgins

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